How to Be Happy NOW – now available on Amazon

How to Be Happy NOW…Even If Things Aren’t Going Your Way is a new book about how to be happy all the time.  Written using accessible language, and lots of color photos and illustrations, it describes the things we can do to have a bright, happy life.


Book description:
In our hyper-connected world, the message is that happiness comes from getting the latest fashions, the hot guy or gal, the perfect car and the stylish house, but come on, don’t buy what they are selling out there! Even people who have it all can be miserable if they’re out of touch with their spirit.

How to Be Happy NOW shows you the way to be deeply happy all of the time regardless of whether you have it all or not. With practical and accessible wisdom, it provides seven core practices that will get you in touch with your spirit and make you truly happy. Also included are lots of tips designed to make your life easier and more fun. Adopting even a few of these tips will increase your energy and give you a bigger smile, while mastering the core practices will bring you unshakable and lasting happiness.

How to Be Happy NOW is available on Amazon and Amazon UK.
